We've Prayed for This...
Just when you feel you could use an extra glimmer of hope in your life an opportunity falls onto your path that just might be everything you need for renewal and restoration. This is the opportunity you prayed for…
Nestled in an ancient lush forest, in an isolated valley of Portugal, sits Orada. In a womb where two creeks come together, the land is nourished and so is the soul. Legend has it that both people and animals would come to this land and not leave until they were fully restored, both spiritually and physically. And so this is what we prayed for and this is why we come.
Orada, meaning “prayed for,” will nourish your body and soul through purposeful, transformational moments of meditation, nature contemplation, the gardening and eating of organic food, stargazing around a bonfire, enjoying an outdoor massage, swimming in a bio pool, yoga and stillness. As well as inspired, awakening moments of horseback riding under the moon, hiking the Vicentina coastline, surfing at Odeceixe and Amoreira beaches and canoeing on the Mira river.
Whatever you’ve been praying for, it awaits you at Orada. Join Aubrey and the souljourners of Rise Studios as we embark on another international adventure to Portugal’s southwest Atlantic coast.